下学期的时候还有一个任务,找房子。学校附近的房子基本上都是租给学生的,租期都跟着学期走。所以保险起见最晚最晚春季就应该要找好秋季的房子了。0 s8 P- {3 X5 S; x# D2 k, I
" t" H( M {1 W4 X. D% t C结果某次去他家浪的时候再次碰到他神出鬼没的商科室友,聊了会儿,谈到这个话题,他室友直接爆出惊天大瓜,说刚刚收到兄弟会的入会邀请,下学期估计得搬去和兄弟们住了。他室友说这事儿的时候我一直偷偷看Leo,这小子耸耸肩,看起来竟仿佛毫无波澜。难道我之前猜错了?
: V+ j3 n0 D1 B$ F# c9 T7 F7 B
! Y. ^$ N5 s! U6 J3 b5 K5 p% W' v+ ?4 R3 F
9 Z4 I' k6 X3 U9 k0 R2 g$ H: A"Leo what's up with your back around here? Are these the commonly strained muscles in hockey? I googled common hockey injuries and it seems like people usually tend to have more problems in the lower bodies. But this is around the core area so I don't know"
X6 \+ K1 u' t$ E2 }& f: K- t7 pLeo头转过来这边,语调有些戏谑:8 L, g: K% W' H
“You googled it?"7 A& X' N! X3 \$ V. w* F' ?
"Oh I didn't mean to probe. Just genuinely curious because something does seem kinda off right here. Wondering if I can better help"斟酌着说,但这是实话。2 b( r+ L( O' r- x% L+ b
Leo没有回答,就这么饶有兴致地看着我。每次被这么看着我都心里发毛,好像心里想的事情都被看光了。我把眼睛挪开,继续帮他按: {: t& t& {7 e# G/ y
“Sorry I probably shouldn't have asked. Won't happen a-"
3 V" Z& r, g! T) B$ V# m"No you're fine"Leo轻声打断我:“Remember the wild skating accident I talked about before? This took place back then. That lake was among the first to freeze over, so it had quite a bit of bubbles and cracks, things not ideal for skating. But a freshly frozen lake was so irresistible, that I decided to try it anyways."8 C( u. Q' A9 g. k- m
# Q; ?2 R% O, B, j1 o"It started off better than I expected, a little bumpy yes, but generally very doable. I stayed pretty alert in the beginning, but kinda let down my guard after a bit of indulging myself without issues. And then shits happened - I got my blade wedged in a sizeable crevice. So I fell, on my back, which I had not done for years. Worse yet, I fell in this meticulous way where I strained my back so bad, that I couldn't even pull myself up."4 t+ {7 C+ f6 D2 t0 R
"You went there alone didn't you?"我用大拇指在腰那儿打转,看Leo的反应他好像最爱这个方式,只是真的有点费拇指。3 O& ^9 X7 Y5 j# p0 o" ?
"Yea. I skipped school for that and my friends didn't like that idea. I was a bit of a rebel back then, didn't know any better. Public education was way too easy, you know, at least for most Asian kids with strict upbringings. I hated sitting through classes listening to teachers mumbling about stuffs I had learned years before, so I skipped classes on a regular basis, almost to the point of expulsion. My friends would join me in the beginning, but backed off after being told no. I guess unlike me, they do listen to their parents"
: `* i0 q3 T2 J$ ~9 @3 R3 T1 k"I can totally see you blowing off classes, even now in college. To be honest I have been kinda surprised that you haven't missed more. So you stopped missing class after that?"想到Leo平常的学习状态,我轻轻笑了笑,问道。6 M: D. v x; k9 O+ I
"Yup. I mean I learned it the hard way. That incident costed me 3 months of PT. And I almost felt a huge relief when I was finally able to go back to school. Now that I think about it, my attendance record was so atrocious that I probably would have trouble graduating if I had not been through that"Leo也笑了笑,同时还打了个哈欠。
W' F7 X0 T6 v/ J“But does this help? You fell asleep the first time I did it". k1 r" T, o: P: B4 D* m1 I0 _
“It probably doesn't do much in the grand scheme of things, but it does give out a special sensation every time you press there like that"
/ h$ p* ~, v$ r) v% X"What kind of sensation?"我原本真的就是顺着他的话,随口问问。+ H3 x; b" L/ X* @9 K, w
, M% M+ A+ n+ B“Leo wha-"本想推开他,结果手碰到鼓鼓一包,小Leo精神抖擞的,在宽松的睡裤下几乎无遮无掩,整个轮廓清晰明了。手像被烫到一样拿开,后半句话登时说不出来了。( i& w# ~& J* y6 ?3 ^, C, j
) }4 G' E; M+ J$ X1 _* d, \+ {“Now you know which kind it is don't you"2 q; F2 z5 r/ A. N" |; U( K* J8 w
. _5 ~! I$ L9 T$ k5 h
4 y+ c% Q: P$ I9 ?6 N0 [ j5 s3 ?* P( a
/ g- y6 ^. [3 P* HLeo在床上笑得直打滚,我捶了几拳,终归是不舍得下重手。感觉再折腾下去不知道会搞出什么名堂来,我一脸窘迫地下床,决定换衣服裤子走人:0 h8 p t" w8 H
“I am going back now"
; T9 u8 S& l4 W2 C1 u"I'll walk with you"Leo笑够了,也从床上起来。
! o+ S! a& ], ]8 u8 t
- P2 R! n( u/ P, C9 x, t
2 ?# G, c" L" z c( w2 [, R路上的雪终于冻硬了,不再泥泞不堪,好走了许多。Leo好像心情很好,路上居然哼起了小曲,认识他这么久尚属首次。至今也不知道那是什么曲子,可能就是Leo荒腔走板随性而来。声音浑厚悠远,不知道是曲子还是人的缘故,刚刚耳朵的那阵酥麻好像又回来了。今晚月亮很亮,我偷偷看一眼Leo,月光如水银般泻下,连发梢都染上了一层银色的光晕,像文艺复兴的油画。
: V7 w4 ?3 }+ G1 @
5 H) r# `1 u: S; C4 n/ _) u- X2 G5 v7 b1 W* o
他又是送我到半程,拍拍肩膀说明天见。我忍不住叫住他,问:2 F4 o" A# V ~& L8 R" \
“Hey Leo. Do you have a housing plan for next year?"
- i Q* ~" [2 f0 h- \"What about it?"他停下脚步。4 v. @/ A6 J. |3 s# |4 W. l
“I mean, you can come live with us. I have a roommate and he said he'd be ok moving to a 3 bedroom if you wanted to join us"
- |5 m/ P; ?7 v5 Q4 p, [" \"But why would I wanna do that?"1 D" W: A% o3 w
4 i! Z0 }! M3 ?, q"The rent could be a bit lower"& l. V' J, y) [
6 Q' a) I& {+ y% ^"Rent is cheap. For couple hundred dollars a month I can get a studio all to myself. No big deal"% k5 @7 P8 u" {1 G6 e( m
"Eghhh but we could avoid a lot of walking like this if we lived together no?"8 o" M' }/ Q/ Y- `
"I'm sure I can find something close to your place. Even your apartment has some studios right?"1 k/ p; v/ D5 [% r
/ |% L m) h0 I; G. q% s“I'll think about it. See you tomorrow"
1 s8 H4 G0 a3 U
6 g! P3 [6 Q _/ R% }8 z, f7 a( Y2 A. `0 B' N$ Y1 ^0 [% X1 A
* J1 U1 s# L6 M+ t5 r- V“Home"1 A$ c* I8 Z/ e" _' J
过了一会儿Leo回:9 V9 @6 i8 B5 p1 z9 F
“Me too"
! F$ f( Y n+ e' g; [' B我对着手机发了会儿呆。其实刚刚Leo临走前我就猜到了他想听什么答案,只是还没来得及说。不过以我的性子要当面讲估计够呛。定了定神,我跟他说:
# V" y: W( S7 b& b6 ` O& n"Leo I really want to live with you. I think you probably know that too. If you don't have other plans set in stone yet please keep this in mind. Coming from your little brother Dustin"
; w8 A, ?" A* l! |; L# d) m+ p印象中这是我第一次提这件事,发完以后脸都在发烧。当下发誓如果他要敢说I'll think about it之类的立马跟他绝交。
3 z9 [' J6 Y+ F/ I刷好牙后回来看,手机里躺着Leo的消息:
( P! k9 \6 f0 v“We can take a look at 3 bedrooms together tomorrow"6 ~; b, Z K, x4 V5 q
& h& [" [( b2 Y; O
: K6 o, C, X; C* k7 J, _恩,这还差不多。
% ~6 c6 V6 ]2 z5 ^. H* m1 J
3 S8 D! j, N4 y |